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28 Chinese-Made Printers Have More Chances And Opportunities On The Developing Way 28

27 November 2015

Inkjet printing is becoming the focus of global printing industry. The development of inkjet printing technology gives advertising inkjet printers more chances and opportunities, also brings more wide market demands for Chinese-made printers.

In the Chinese-made inkjet printer market, according to the prediction by Internet, from the development of nowadays market, 2015 inkjet printer market will reach RMB 86.6 billion. Especially in recent years, Chinese-made printers developing very fast, and the technology has improved, multi-function is extended, and big inkjet printer is increasingly developed.


The competitive price of Chinese-made printers makes itself developing fast

Inkjet printer technology has been developed many years in Chinese-made market. Also Chinese-made inkjet printer technology has become more stable and mature. Lots of companies in Chinese-made printers control the lower producing cost of research and produce. Compared with import printers, the price and cost of Chinese-made market have more advantages, when choosing Chinese-made printers or import printers, Chinese-made printers have competitive price than import printers. Because of the price advantages and relevant printer quality, the Chinese-made printers developing fast in overseas inkjet printers, it quickly obtain certain share in printing equipment market.

Chinese-made printers toward multi-function developing because of customer’s large demands

Users require wide format and high precision printers in the advertising inkjet printer industry. So the development of Chinese-made printers should keep pace with demands of customers and markets. With the improvement of inkjet printing, more companies are researching wide printing format products. In the area of multi-function application, we should research and produce more function printing inkjet printer. Wide format and high precision printing can improve the printing speed, also it can print out large scale, and reduce making process, also large scale printing can reduce the complex post-splicing process; in the extending of multi-function printing, high precision heat transfer technology and multi-function UV printing technology, Chinese-made printers have more advantages, and it perfectly suitable to the customer’s needs. MeiTu Digital Industry Co.,LTD producing more types and more model products to the market, such as wide format and high precision MT-3207DE printer, which contains 3.2m wide printing format, and large scale picture can easily and quickly finish inkjet printing ; multi- function and application UV series printers, such as MeiTu Digital Industry Co.,LTD MT-R180 and other UV printers, they all apply to kinds of fields, UV printer can print more perfect combine printing media, and suitable to multi-function and multi-field application.

3. Chinese-made printer is more relevant to the subject of eco. Also it is the partner of advertising inkjet industry

Eco printing is becoming main trend in the future. In the advocate of eco subject, Chinese-made printer is much better than the same type of inkjet printers, during the inkjet process, we ask for printing more energy, non-hazardous. The lower application areas, such as food, drink, medicine, smoke bag and so on, which is suitable to low solvent remains, small smells, non-toxic, and non-pollution demands, as for the printers, we had better use green and eco ink, green printing output media. Solvent ink is more green to the environment, it is uncompetitive to the solvent and oil ink, solvent inkjet printer is more tend to low cost, simple processing, deducing exotic gas exhaust, and it is perfect towards the eco and green printing subject.

In the future development of inkjet printers, Chinese-made printers contain many advantages, and it develops very fast and mature, and it will gain more chances and opportunities along the development.


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