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40 Some Use Tips And Precautions For Eco Solvent Printer Ink 40

27 November 2015

Eco solvent printer is the main printing device of inkjet printer. The ink and paper media are the main supplies in the daily work of printout, especially applied in ink. Learning some tips about how to use ink plays an important role in the eco solvent printer.   


The rational use of eco solvent printer in ink, not only effectively save cost for inkjet printing, but also keeps the lifespan of print head and eco solvent printer much longer. 


On the production of daily indoor and outdoor advertising inkjet printing for eco solvent printer, there are two kinds of common inks, which one is water based ink for indoor, and other one is eco solvent ink for outdoor. Of course there are other kinds of inks on the process of eco solvent printer’s application such as heat transfer ink and UV curable ink, etc. And now we mainly share use tips and precaution for water based ink and eco solvent ink. 


In fact, the use of ink is a skill. If that skills can combine with maintenance of device, which can save a lot of maintenance costs and lower loss for print head to reduce the total cost. This is main purpose that Shanghai Meitu eco solvent printer manufacturer share these use tips and precautions for eco solvent printer ink.


Firstly, the choice of ink and some precautions of purchase. Shanghai Meitu Eco Solvent Printer Manufacturer suggest that users should select original and high-quality ink from original eco solvent printer manufacturer or other high-quality and original ink recommended by eco solvent printer manufacturer, and refuse to use other bad ink from other unknown brands and manufactures. Ink from original manufacturer has a guarantee while using, which you can achieve better reduction of color and expression of image. High-quality ink from original eco solvent printer manufacturer can effectively protect the print head and relative ink supply system to ensure the high-quality printing of eco solvent printer.


Some tips of storage of ink. The storage environment of ink should be consistent with the environment of use, which should be noted in inclement weather. The reason why is the environmental requirements for the device and use of ink is relatively strict, especially on both winter and summer. The temperature of warehouse of many companies is almost the same with room. So it often appears the phenomenon of bad effect in ink from the warehouse. Sometimes it even can not work well, which influence the efficiency of work and the products will be damaged. On that situation, the key solution is that the ink should be taken from the warehouse to the environment of use ahead of few hours until the temperature of ink is up to the standard of use.


There is also a bad habit, which many printing companies don’t place the next order of ink until they use out of eco solvent printer ink in order to reduce companies’ operating cost, which can reduce the companies’ operating cost for sure, but also cause a drawback. It is traced back to the production of ink. Because the ink is chemical product. As we all know, chemical products is even mature on the process and tested strictly, it is hard to avoid unstable phenomenon on batch. That’s the reason why the big ink manufacturer can not guarantee that they produce very stable ink every batch. Thus, above these problems that will appear some bad effect on some batch of ink, which causes phenomenon of ink block and can not printout the image. That will not only influence the production but also cause the loss of customers. So in order to solve this problem, the correct approach is to prepare for more ink in stock, at least can wait until the next ink arrives for sure. Besides, the new ink should be used immediately to test if the ink can work or not. If you find out it has problems and change it immediately. If new ink works well, then you should use up of old ink to avoid the deadline of old ink.  


Another point is good maintenance on regular basis for the eco solvent printer. For example, cleaning the ink pipe and exchanging filter, ink sac, etc. Many manufacturers doesn’t have a habit of cleaning pipe and exchanging filter and ink sac, which is not desirable. It is inevitable and can not be avoided because of the block of filter and pollution of ink pipe. So We have to protect the print head from damage by exchange and maintenance on regular basis to keep the eco solvent printer in a good condition to improve the efficiency of work for eco solvent printer.


Shanghai Meitu eco solvent printer manufacturer suggest that some use tips of ink must be payed attention. It is never too late to pay attention to it now. It must be clear that good maintenance is the good beginning of highly effective use for eco solvent printer.


Edited by Johnny

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