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69 Both Indoor Eco Solvent Printer  And Iamination Can Reach Perfect Effect 69

27 November 2015

High resolution picture indoor printing advertisement is a popular way with many businessmen and users. High speed and high resolution indoor Inkjet Printer can make perfect printing output effect if it combine with application of lamination.


Inkjet Printer printing output, the performance of picture is satisfied. Inkjet Printer use water-based ink. So, the picture which is printed by water-based ink need to take water-proof and light-proof protection because this kind picture is easily fade. If it is shined by strong light long time, it will cause color change light even disappear. It will influence the display of indoor advertisement picture. So, during indoor advertisement display. Usually, we should attention water-proof performance and avoid light. Besides, you can put on laminating film after finish printing output. It can protect advertisement picture long term.


Lamination film of the picture can reach better water-proof effect. It can make the picture of indoor advertisement more durable. Lamination film is widely applied to industry and advertisement material. Lamination film is made of transparent PVC which be adhesive. According to the texture of film, it can divided into glossy film, matt film, frosted film, star magic film, laser film and special texture protection film. Especially for indoor Inkjet Printer advertisement industry, all need lamination film. It has excellent protection effect. During the advertisement industry, smooth film, matt film and frosted film are used widely. When you show outdoor advertisement image, it easily make picture can not be used through the influence of natural climate. Lamination film make advertisement image high rot resistance performance and anti-ultra violet. It is not fade and increase 3D affect. It can reach unexpected effect. It can improve the picture display if putting on lamination film. It can avoid scratch, dust and wet in order to protect picture.


In the daily indoor advertisement printing production, high speed and high resolution indoor Inkjet Printer can combine with lamination be applied to photo paper, oil painting production,

outdoor poster, public service advertisement, advertisement, all kinds of pictures, documents and so on. It makes the protection effect of lamination film be much better.


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