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81 Printer Is Necessary For Printing Company 81

27 November 2015

Nowadays, Indoor and outdoor advertisement, products promotion and brands building are necessary marketing method in the market. The rapid development of advertisement industry expand market demand of printing equipment. It is necessary to invest eco solvent printer to traditional advertising company.


Opening a printing company or printing shop, the first choice to have printing equipment. Whether we need to buy high quality eco solvent printer? I think it is necessary. Because high quality eco solvent printer can help you to earn more money. All of your business and works will start from a Eco solvent printer. It is necessary equipment in printing industry.


When you got advertising order, if don’t have yourself eco solvent printer then you have to place this order to other printing company. That mean you need give some of your profits to other printing company, even if profits is very low. In the face of fierce competition, low profit can’t compete and it increase competitive pressure.


If purchase budget is enough, it is necessary to buy a  latest eco solvent printer. Such as Shanghai Meitu MT-1807DE, it is a high cost effective eco solvent printer. This eco solvent printer not only suit for both indoor and outdoor printing, but also with high printing resolution, high printing speed and good stable performance. Printing resolution can reach up to 1440dpi. What’s more, this MT-1807DE eco solvent printer can printing various media, such as vinyl, flex banner, wallpaper, one way vision, paper, light film, PP. This machine adopts eco solvent ink, printing products will not fade in outdoor environment. It is the first choice for printing company or printing shop. Printing result with high resolution and vivid color is convenient for short distance view in indoor. The printing is high quality.


In addition, with development of chinese eco solvent printer became more and more mature, price is cheaper and cheaper. You can start your printing business doesn’t need too much cost. Running printing business become easier and easier. Don’t need too much professional knowledge, just need a high quality eco solvent printer then you can run a printing shop. Don’t need too much cost, you will be your own boss, earn money for yourself. The most important is that when you have eco solvent printer, you don’t need other company to printer for you, don’t need to wait for printing company arrange printing. Just need to finish picture design, then print it. User can finish printing order with lower production costs and shorter production time. 


Edit by Carol

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