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What should we do if we have those problems below

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    7. What should I do if carriage touches material during printing?

    Possibilities: 1). Maybe carriage is too near to material. 2). Maybe vacuum pump is closed. Solutions: 1). Adjust distance between carriage and material. 2). Open vacuum pump.
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    8. What should I do if UV lamp shutter does not work?

    Possibilities: 1). Maybe shutter option is not chosen in software. 2). Maybe shutter assembly is bad. 3). Maybe UV lamp control board is bad. Solutions: 1). Choose shutter option in software. 2). Replace shutter assembly. 3). Replace UV lamp control board.
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    9. What should I do if UV lamp does not work?

    Possibilities: 1). Maybe UV lamp power line is not connected well. 2). Maybe open and close UV lamp highly frequently. 3). Maybe UV lamp switch is bad. 4). Maybe UV lamp is bad. Solutions: 1). Check the UV lamp power line. 2). Wait 3-5 minutes to open UV lamp after UV lamp is closed. 3). Replace UV lamp switch. 4). Replace UV lamp.
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    10. What should I do if the negative pressure is not correct?

    Possibilities: 1). Maybe air pipe is not connected tightly. 2). Maybe air sub-tank is filled with ink. 3). Maybe negative pressure meter is bad. 4). Maybe negative pressure adjustive valve is bad. Solutions: 1). Tighten air pipe and joint. 2). Take ink out of air sub-tank. 3). Replace negative pressure meter. 4). Replace negative pressure adjust valve.
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    11. What should I do if some printhead does not print ink out?

    Possibilities: 1). Maybe printhead is dirty. 2). Maybe there is some air inside printhead ink pipe. 3). Maybe negative pressure of printhead is higher. 4). Maybe printhead data cable is not connected well. Solutions: 1). Clean printhead by cleaning flush. 2). Press ink to exhaust air. 3). Check negative pressure value. 4). Re-connect printhead data cable.
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    12. What should I do if there is no power?

    Possibilities: 1). Maybe power supply is not open. 2). Maybe emergency button is closed. 3). Maybe ower switch is damaged. 4). Maybe input voltage is too low. Solutions: 1. Turn on the power switch. 2. Open all emergency buttons. 3. Try to open power switch again. 4. Use a multimeter to measure actual input voltage.